Parents will agree to assist The Georgetown School by ensuring their student's compliance with the compulsory school attendance law. Once a student has exceeded five (5) unexcused absences, the parents and the student will meet with the principal. If truancy continues, we will refer the student to the school social worker to address issues regarding nonattendance and chronic absenteeism in an effort to develop a plan to remedy the situation.
We expect students who arrive at the school after 8:45 a.m. to report directly to the designated attendance secretary in the office. We will consider students tardy without an excuse if they are not in possession of a note from their parents indicating an excusable reason for being late unless they are late due to a county transportation issues.
We expect students to remain at the school until the end of the school day unless they have a scheduled early release or a note from their parents indicating they must leave school early. Only the parent or another authorized individual may pick a student up early, in which case, they must come into the office to sign their student out.
A student who becomes ill during the school day and is requesting to go home should report to the school nurse who will examine the student and determine whether to contact the parent, guardian, or other person listed on the student's emergency card. Students may not leave school for illness without the permission of the school administrator and a parent/guardian.
When students return from an absence, they must bring in a note signed by the parent. They must make up any work missed. The student should request make-up work on the first day he/she returns to school and complete it within the same number of days he/she was absent.
When picking up or dropping off students, parents are to park in the parking lot directly in front of the school. The bus loop is used specifically for bus loading and unloading—all other traffic is strictly prohibited.