Maintaining the safety and wellness of our students and staff is always our top priority. Now more than ever, this is a shared responsibility that will require the collective effort and commitment of everyone, every day. Please take a moment to review the ways that you can help us to be as successful as possible in mitigating the spread of COVID-19.
Conduct Daily Wellness Checks
Keeping your student at home when they are sick is of the utmost importance and one of the best ways to prevent the spread of illness.
Please monitor your student’s health every morning before school by looking for the following COVID-19 symptoms:
● Fever of 100° F. or higher, chills, or a sense of having a fever
● Cough
● Nasal congestion or runny nose
● Sore throat
● Shortness of breath
● Diarrhea
● Nausea or Vomiting
● Fatigue
● Headache
● Muscle or body aches
● New loss of sense of taste or smell
Stay Home When Sick
Students who are exhibiting any of the above symptoms must stay home. Please call the school nurse or your attendance office to report that your child will be absent from school and the reason for the absence. Please also report your child’s symptoms. This will allow our school nurses to better track illness in our schools.
We also encourage you to contact your health care provider for further guidance. If your student is tested for COVID-19, he or she must stay at home until you receive the results.
Any student who tests positive for COVID-19 or who is suspected of having COVID-19 will not be permitted to attend school based on guidance from health department officials.
If your student’s illness
is not COVID-19 related (as determined by a medical professional), you will need to provide documentation from your health care provider to the school nurse so your student is able to return to school as quickly as possible.
As an additional reminder, students must be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications and symptoms should be resolved or greatly improved before returning to school. If your child is not feeling well or has a fever in the morning,
please do not give him or her fever-reducing medications and send them to school. This unnecessarily places other students and staff at increased risk.
Illnesses During the School Day
If your child becomes ill during the day with any symptoms of COVID-19, we will care for your child in a separate clinic for the protection of other students who are not ill. A staff member will promptly contact you so that you can make the necessary arrangements to pick up your child as soon as possible. We ask that you arrive within 30 minutes. As always, please ensure you provide your student’s school with your contact information in the event of an emergency.
As always, we appreciate your understanding and support of our efforts to make our buildings as safe and healthy as possible for our students and staff. For additional information on our health and safety plans, please visit our Return to Learn FAQ page at
https://bit.ly/31vKQcP. Please contact your school nurse with any questions or concerns you may have.
Terry Woody
Health Services Coordinator