College Testing Information

According to COLLEGE BOARD HANDBOOK, the required college admission tests provide very important information to both you and to the college to which you are applying.

From your scores, you

  • have a way of comparing yourself with students already attending the colleges you are considering;
  • have the opportunity to see what you have achieved and learned throughout your academic life.

From your scores, colleges

  • are able to compare you with others applying for admission and with those students currently enrolled in the institution;
  • have a fair, standardized way for the admission staff to predict the likelihood of your success in the college.

It is very important to know the tests required for each school you are considering.


The ACT consists of tests in English, Math, Reading, and Science. Students are encouraged to check with the colleges of their choices to determine if they prefer ACT or SAT scores. Registration materials are available in the counseling office or on the ACT website.

Scholastic Assessment Test (college boards) 

SAT I/Reasoning is usually taken the first time in the spring of the junior year and again in the fall of the senior year. Most four year colleges require the SAT I as part of the admission requirements. The scores range from 200 to 800 on each section. Registration materials are available in the counseling office or on the Scholastic Assessment Test website.

SAT Subject Tests

Some schools require achievement tests as part of the admission requirements. These one hourmultiple-choice tests may be used in the admission decision or may be used by the college for placement. Usually schools require a Math test and an English test. Consult the college website for tests that may be required or recommended in other subjects.

You may not take the SAT Subject Test and the SAT I on the same day. Check your college website to determine if the colleges to which you are applying require SAT Subject Tests. Be sure you plan your testing schedule wisely so all scores reach the colleges prior to the deadline.


The College Board offers an online academy for students to access practice tests and materials. Please visit the Khan Academy website for more information.

PSAT Scores Available on College Board

PSAT scores are now available electronically through College Board. If your student supplied an email address on their PSAT answer document, they should have received an email from College Board and can use that same email address to create/access a College Board account. If your student does not remember the email address supplied or chose not to supply an email address, we will distribute paper score reports to students through their English class after the winter break. We will guide the students through the process of creating a College Board account and linking it to Khan Academy for individualized SAT practice. A summary of the process is available online.

The goal of the PSAT is to prepare students for their best on the SAT. The College Board recommends 20 hours of work on Khan Academy for an average of a 100-point increase in their score.

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