Cell Phone/Electronic Device Procedures

Hanover Intervention Counselors

We allow students to bring a cellphone or other electronic device to school. However, the Code of Student Conduct states that the “use of any type of unauthorized or mechanical device is prohibited during regular school hours…Unauthorized or mechanical devices shall include, but not be limited to: pagers, cellular telephones, iPods …”

Cell phone use continues to be a huge distraction for our students. However, we also recognize the importance of the cell phone with this generation of students, in addition to the powerful impact they can have on 21st Century learning. Our goal for all students is to provide a distraction-free learning environment and to avoid unnecessary disruptions to that environment, while still maintaining the ability to use this very powerful learning tool when appropriate. With that in mind, Georgetown will use the following procedures:

  1. All students will turn in their cellphone at the beginning of each class, starting with Jag Time.
  2. Each teacher has a small, lockable file cabinet in his/her room. Students will place their devices in one of the top two drawers so they can be secure during class.
  3. If needed for an instructional activity, the teacher will unlock the drawer and distribute them back to students for the activity. When the activity concludes, students will return their devices to the drawer.
  4. Students will earn time on their phones at the end of each block by completing assignments and following classroom expectations. Students may also earn extra time on their phone through our Jag Bucks program.
  5. The process will repeat when students arrive to the next class.
  6. On Friday Jag Time, students will not turn in their phones because they will leave for Choice Time at 8:45 a.m. They will instead turn them in when they arrive at their Choice Time location.
  7. Students will not turn in phones for afternoon Jag Time.
  8. When in possession of their phone in the hallway in between classes, we expect all students to follow these general use guidelines:  
  • Phone calls and/or Facetime calls should not be made nor received.
  • Pictures and/or videos will not be taken or shared.
  • Students can check messages on the way to class, but privately, not as a group.
  • In hall, one in one out

If a student does not turn in his/her cell phone or other electronic device upon arrival to class, the student may lose phone privileges, be asked to leave their devices at home, and/or could be assigned other consequences.

Parents, please do not call or text your student during the day. He/she will not have access to their device during the school day. If you need to get in touch with your student, please call the office at 723-3460. We do not allow students to use the student phone in the office during lunch or in an emergency to contact you.

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